Monday, August 06, 2007

Coffins to Couches

My sister sent me this link to a BBC story on how the street called Coffin Row in Lilongwe has shifted in last few years as AIDS deaths decline. A lot of carpenters are now selling furniture. My advisor commented on this when he visited, because he was shocked at the shift. I have a feeling the furniture business might not be as profitable as coffins, since when you need a coffin you need a coffin but furniture can wait, but it's nice to see visible signs of death from AIDS abating somewhat. The one thing that didn't strike me as true in the clip was the last bit about people not referring to AIDS by its name; maybe it's just because we were doing research and using the word Edzi, or maybe it's just because I don't speak Chichewa and couldn't understand other references to it, but I heard people say HIV and Edzi a lot.

I really wanted to get photos of the chairs and couches because they are all these poofy things covered in garish jewel-toned velvety fabric. I'm sure there's something to be said there for what poor people perceive as wealthy-looking.

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