Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I'm beginning to suspect that I really do need an adjustment to my meds, as I'm starting to feel that haziness again.

But I feel a lot better this afternoon now that I decided to do my work standing up. I need a treadmill desk!

NJ this weekend! I'm still lobbying the boy to take Friday off so we can have an extra day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I didn't ever get sick, but I did feel the pinnacle of a creeping crappiness that seems to be my body having adjusted to the thyroid meds and asking for seconds. We'll see what the doc says. I did manage to salvage the afternoon, but it was looking pretty dreary there for a bit. A giant coffee and chatting with a student cleared the fog enough for me to get some real work done.

Since you all provide me with ample vacation days, and the private sector so few for Joe, I have extras to take for things like HOOPS! I will be spending Thursday and Friday on an exotic vacation on my couch, with the TV and multiple computers on. Lobos don't play until 10pm Thursday, so I'll have to pace myself.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Monday at home

My pumpkin is sick. He thought he was having a case of nerves yesterday, but his interpretation of a fluttery stomach and weak knees changed when chills entered the picture. He managed to eat a few things today, as his knotted stomach loosens a bit.

I had a slight fever yesterday afternoon, but nothing has come of it so far. Who knows how long he was subclinical before all hell broke loose, however, so I won't feel in the clear until a few days go by. I opted to work from home, out of a desire to be able to pet him on the head and feed him applesauce, but also because of anxiety that I would suddenly want to die and have to take the bus home (I guess I could have driven today... not that driving and feeling like hell is so much better). I even had a dream that I was on my way to work on the J1 and started to feel crappy.

Better to work from home. It loosens things up. The only thing I really have available to work on happens to be the only thing I really ought to be working on, that I have been productively procrastinating for a while. At home, things feel more relaxed, which helps me overcome the anxious perfectionism I've been having about this paperwork, the human subjects forms for the study I want to do. I haven't worked out all the details, so every time I would go to fill out something, I would be paralyzed by all the things I don't know. In my big poofy sweatshirt at home, I feel free to put whatever crap I have in mind in the field, knowing I can come back to it later.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


Wednesday, I took the day off, because I had to go to the MVA and renew my driver's license, and I figured I might as well enjoy the day. It was drizzly, but not that cold out. I got my number, and as I waited, I realized my license said "Sex: M." Somehow I had missed this when it was first issued and again when I got a replacement after returning from Malawi! I chalk it up to the long wait at the Baltimore MVA, when I just would want to get through the process instead of scrutinizing the information.

Now the MVA enters your social security number, so if you don't have one and try to get a renewal, too bad! I pointed out the gender error to the clerk, and the system also popped up an alert when she entered my SSN that my sex at birth did not seem to match the sex on my license. It was a relatively easy matter to return to being female in the eyes of the motor vehicle administration.

I posted on facebook that when I turned 20, most professional athletes were older than me, and now that I'm turning 30, most are younger. I had been watching the Olympics and noticing the young ages of athletes about whom the commentators were speculating would be participating in their last Olympics or maybe eking out one more. I guess maybe it's better to be considered young for one's field.

Thirty strikes me as a very adult age, no longer part of the 20s when you can run around semi-adolescent still. I guess I've already been at that life stage somewhat, but there are a few things left to attain before I really feel age appropriate. But they'll be coming soon, little by little.

Last night we tried to go to TGIFriday's for happy hour, only to find it jam packed full of people. This was shocking, but I guess we shouldn't be shocked. Everything around here is like that. Things you think couldn't possibly be appealing are crowded, and things that you actually might think people would like are completely jammed and overflowed. Joe thought about going to the new bagel shop this morning, but the thought of driving to it and trying to park and then trying to deal with all the people that would be in there was too much. He made pancakes, and they were lovely and non-aggravating.

Finally it is sunny outside and the snow has mostly melted, so we can put some things in the shed that have been hogging space in the living room. I have kind of a long list of chores for the weekend, but it seems okay.