Monday, January 17, 2011

New job

So, I've only been at the new job a couple of weeks, but so far I like it a lot. It's very busy. People are asking me to do legit stuff right off the bat, and there are DEADLINES! Things don't drag out endlessly. Grants and proposals get written and sent off. Stuff moves along. There are fun surveys. I love it.

The commute has also not been so bad, and last week I started with my schedule of working from home twice a week. I leave pretty early when I go in, so the commute inbound has been around 45 minutes. Coming home there was one random day where it took only 45 minutes, but mostly it's been more like an hour+. I listen to CDs and try to drive in a relaxed manner.

Working from home has also been good. I generally get up and start working right away, and then at some point I exercise (or not) and shower and get back to work. Although Thursday our router died and it was distracting not to have internet. I went to the library for a while.

The main thing about the new job is that the busyness keeps from from wandering off on the internet. I had a headache every day my first week from not sleeping as much and I just didn't care (until I got home). I work so well when there is a list of concrete tasks with deadlines.

I even managed to get my dissertation manuscript back out the door. I just sat down one night and did it. Productivity spreads out everywhere. Except maybe to cleaning...

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