Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Adventures in bureaucracy

I went to the embassy and filled out some forms. But before I can get a passport, I need photos. Also, the police report of the theft so they can verify it was stolen. Also, I'm supposed to pay: at first it looked like almost $100, but they waived some fee to make it $67, but then when I mentioned that I'm low on cash given the robbery, they said they could do a freebie limited passport and I could get a real one when I return to the states. I'll probably just do the freebie, unless I decide to dip into my currently limited (but sufficient) funds.

So, we went to the police station to get a copy of the report. But what they have isn't considered the official report, just the statement that has to be filed with the main office so an official stamped report can be issued. We drove the constable over to the main branch, and there they told us that tomorrow they'd have it ready. So then we went to get the passport photo, which I took and will return to get when I go back to old town to pick up supplies for at least the meeting tomorrow. I had been planning to buy all the supplies, but now I don't know. I'm so tired, I could just fall asleep.

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