Friday, February 05, 2010

Snowy snow, more than the other snows

Things in the DC area have been pretty crazy this year.

The weekend before Christmas it snowed around 16-18 inches, which was a lot. The feds shut down on the Monday, and I worked from home the Tuesday and Wednesday because I knew the sidewalks would be terrible (they were -- one friend broke his leg and a coworker broke her wrist trying to get around). Then we went off for the holiday.

Last Saturday it snowed a big fluffy icy snow that you could just push with the shovel, and Tuesday night a warmer wetter snow that melted quickly off the roads and sidewalks. But this weekend, we're in for a predicted 16-26 inches of heavy wet snow.

It hasn't arrived just yet, but we're all waiting at home or on the way home.

I have a half day today, which I'm spending at home. I haven't started it quite yet, but I have two things to do: look over a grant application for a doctoral student and submit my dissertation paper to a big name journal in my field, who I hope will not kick it back to me immediately. Although that's better than the journals that hang onto it for months before saying no.

Life has been a lot better since I had my thyroid problem identified and fixed. Days I used to spend trying to read, trying to poke at writing that needed to get done, trying to edit, I now spend pushing different projects forward. I didn't used to be able to turn to a task and spend half and hour or an hour making progress. It would take half an hour to even figure out what I was doing, and by then I was too tired to do it. You never really understand just how bad you were feeling until you feel better, and the contrast is complete.

Today I'll do those two things, and maybe by then there will be snow to shovel. Joe wants a snowblower, for his collection of outdoor toys, but I like to shovel snow, to clear the path.

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