Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Getting closer

OMG, only two more days in Baltimore, and then I go. I finished all the stuff for my grant earlier this week, which is good. Yesterday we did some shopping and I got a bunch of travel stuff, including DEET and power adapters. I actually went to Radio Shack and bought some stuff and then promptly found the same stuff but better and cheaper at Samsonite, so I went back to RS and returned everything. Tomorrow I have to go to Target to get some basic toiletries and things.

Today I met with my advisor for a million hours, severely cutting into my farewell party at Brewers'. But we got the survey finalized, so that's good. I still have a million things to figure out about the experimental design and how it will work.

So. Saturday I will head to the airport butt early, cry a lot, go to Atlanta, chillax with my homies, sleep, get on an airplane Sunday, and try to sleep such as to reduce jet lag. Once in Jo'berg, I will head to my hotel, sleep more, get up in the morning and head to Lilongwe on Tuesday. It's a long voyage.

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