Saturday, March 24, 2007

Easter weekend?

My advisor says he thinks we're going to get IRB approval early next week, and he thinks I should go Easter weekend. This is like 4-6 weeks later than I originally planned. Totally lame.

This also means I will probably miss Commencement and my reunion.

So, working on the CDC grant the other day, I decided to look at our review board application and realized that at some point, we decided not to interview people in HIV testing clinics. Thank goodness I take notes on meetings... I realized the boss in Malawi said we shouldn't do those because the project doesn't have a good relationship with the Ministry of Health, who runs the public clinics. So I'm really going to end up proposing something much like my original proposal, which included in-depth interview with the radio diarists and producers and audience members. Fine with me... I found enough stuff on the CDC website I can point to for the purpose of making my project fit with their mission. I just gotta get this crap done now.

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