Saturday, March 17, 2007

Loads of BS

So last week, while still waiting to hear from the IRB so I can book my damn travel, I spent some time applying for school grants. These involved writing short essays. They were kind of BS, with a strong positive correlation between amount of BSness of the question and the amount of money of the grant. I applied for three, so I hope to get one.

I'm also applying for a dissertation grant from CDC, as I think I mentioned. It's too bad this isn't going to NIMH, because my project is perfect for the AIDS section there. CDC requires a little bit of tweaking to make the focus fit well. The stuff I propose to add is on testing, so that will help. I pasted chunks of my proposal into the research plan, but I need to do a lot of cutting and some adding and reframing. Boo. But at least I feel like I made a start.

I'm also supposed to get a questionnaire together for my various meetings with my advisor on Monday. I don't really want to, but I guess I'll work on it tomorrow. I'm lazy.

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